
In November 2020, the ministers responsible for higher education will meet to discuss the future of the EHEA at the Ministerial Conference. The social dimension has gained importance during the last round, and is set to gain traction as countries develop their social dimension strategies for higher education. EUROSTUDENT data provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of students during their studies. Who are the students in Europe? How do they study, and what are the personal and financial circumstances in which they study? The full EUROSTUDENT report will be available in 2021. In order to provide first insights into the data, a short publication highlights key indicators on students in Europe based on data collected in 2019.

Join our virtual launch event to get a sneak preview of EUROSTUDENT results - the newest comparative data on the social and economic condition of students in Europe! The event will provide a relevant background for the ongoing discussions in the EHEA.

  • Get first insights into the EUROSTUDENT VII data
  • Hear invited speakers reflect what the results mean from the European, national, and student perspectives
  • This virtual 3-hr launch event will be an excellent opportunity to initiate discussions among the EUROSTUDENT researchers and policy makers. We look forward to seeing you there!



    November 5th, 2020

    10:00 - 10:30
    Keynote: The comparative perspective in higher education policy.
    Jana Javornik, PhD, Director General, Higher Education Directorate, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Slovenia
    10:30 - 11:15
    EUROSTUDENT first results - presentation of publication and Q&A
    Kristina Hauschildt, project coordinator
    11:15 - 11:30
    Health break
    11:30 - 12:30
    Panel discussion: Reflecting the results.
    Martina Darmanin, European Students' Union
    Kaisu Piiroinen, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
    Lucie Trojanova, Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) at European Commission
    Ninoslav ¦ćukanec Schmidt, Executive Director, Institute for the Development of Education, Croatia
    12:30 - 12:45
    Outlook: EUROSTUDENT 8



    Registration for the EUROSTUDENT VII First Results is now closed.

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