Project Organisation
International Steering Board
The Steering Board guides the EUROSTUDENT Consortium in its work. The Steering Board is composed of three representatives of fee-paying countries and five stakeholders. The three representatives of the fee-paying countries have been elected into the Steering Board by representatives of all fee-paying countries for the entire life of the project.
The Steering Board has the following main roles and tasks
Members of the EUROSTUDENT 8 Steering Board
- Svein Hullstein European Commission
- Horia Onița European Students' Union, Belgium
- Ioannis Katsanevakis Bologna Follow Up Group, Greece
- Dr. Marit Metternich Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
- Paul Persoon-Zeer Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (MinOCW), The Netherlands
- Odile Ferry L’Observatoire national de la vie étudiante, France
- Helga Posset Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Austria
- Carina Hellgren Swedish Council for Higher Education

EUROSTUDENT VI Steering Board at their meeting in Berlin in October 2017