Interview with Vaida ¦aukeckienė and ´emyna Pauliukaitė from STRATA in Lithuania on EUROSTUDENT VII national results
How would you describe the social dimension of Lithuanian students based on Eurostudent VII?
Lithuania is close to the average regarding the representation of students without higher education background: as in many other countries, this group is under-represented. However, from round to round we notice the increase of the share of these students in Lithuanian HE institutions. It should be noted that in Lithuania, students without higher education background more often choose colleges and part-time studies. This choice is likely to be influenced by the fact that colleges are closer to home, which eliminates the need to move to another city and decreases the cost of study. Part-time studies are more flexible in terms of combining studies and work, which is particularly relevant for this group: working students without HE background more often state they could not afford to study without income from a paid job. Therefore, it seems that the accessibility of HEIs in different regions and the flexibility of study forms might serve in ensuring the representation of more diverse social groups in HE. When it comes to the social dimension, the financial aspects are also important. It is an alarming result that in Lithuania the contribution of state support to students in their income structure is not significant compared to other EUROSTUDENT VII countries.